Tag: chlorine

How to keep the pool water clean without surprises.
How to keep the pool water clean without surprises.
Depending on the characteristics of the pool, the filtration equipment and the chemical used, keeping the pool water clean can be a simple task or, on the contrary, a real nightmare. Just when we think we have everything under control, the pool water starts to become cloudy, or green spots start to appear on the tiles and we get frustrated because we are doing what has always worked. In this…
What swimming pool chemicals do you need?
One of the most important components of successful pool maintenance, along with pool cleaning and sweeping tools, is swimming pool chemicals specially formulated to maintain the quality of the water in optimal swimming conditions. Chlorine is known to many as one of the main pool chemicals but are there any others? Swimming pool chemicals Chlorine for swimming pools As we have already mentioned, chlorine is one of the most important swimming…