How should you take care of your pool daily?

Daily pool maintenance is the key to keeping your swimming pool in perfect shape. Spending a few minutes each day performing these simple steps will make pool care easy.


1 Evaluate the Pump and Filter System

Make sure that the pump is running normally and take a look at the pressure gauge on the filter tank to ensure that the filter is not clogging. (High pressure means that the water is fighting to get through the filter, indicating that it might be time to clean or backwash the filter. Look over any plumbing and valves at your filter pad. If there are leaks, note them. Anything significant should be repaired as soon as possible.

Make sure that your pump and filter system is operational for at least 8-12 hours per day. To conserve energy, an electrical timer can be used to automatically turn the system on and off.


2 Inspect the Skimmer Baskets and Pump Traps for Build-up

Leaves, grass, and other objects collect in these areas and, if the baskets are not emptied, they can impede circulation dramatically. Proper circulation is a key factor in preventing algae growth, so if they have stuff in them, empty them out.

3 Skim the Pool Surface

Using a leaf rake or leaf skimmer and your telepole, run the net along the surface of the pool. Try to collect any unwanted floating objects and remove them.

The best part about skimming the pool is that it can be done from inside or outside of the pool. It’s hard to call it a chore when you can be enjoying the pool water at the same time.

4 Test the Water

For residential pools, testing your pool water does not have to be part of your daily pool maintenance. However, as a general rule of thumb, you should test the water every day that the pool is used and after heavy rains. Bather load and weather have a major impact on sanitizer use and overall balance. Testing once per week is a bare minimum. If your pool is used three times per week, you should test it three times per week.


Using test strips or a drop kit, check the sanitizer level, pH, and Total Alkalinity of your pool water. Keeping the sanitizer at the proper levels is critical, while pH and total alkalinity give you a picture of the water’s overall balance.

Remember to call Atlantir at least one time in a month to do all the necessary checking and make sure you can have a safe bath in your pool. Pool water testing can take as little as 30 seconds. Keeping a watchful eye on the attributes of your pool water can literally save you thousands of euros in the long-run!