Hiring the Best Lifeguards

Having the right lifeguards is important for every pool environment. But let’s face it, the hiring process can be stressful! Let the pool management experts at Atlantir help! We have the right knowledge to successfully hire the best candidates. 


It’s important to have the most up to date knowledge on the best ways to find and hire lifeguard candidates.

Utilize Local Schools

Our clients take advantage of recruiting events at local high schools, colleges, and universities to find great lifeguarding candidates. The students are typically around the perfect life-guarding age, and they are usually looking for seasonal jobs during the summer months when schools are on breaks. Create flyers and other materials to put up around the city informing students of job opportunities. High schools often have activities coordinators, counselors, and swim coaches who can inform students of lifeguarding opportunities.

Finding Qualified Candidates

After finding interested, potential lifeguards, you need to make sure they are qualified for the job. Lifeguards must be formally tested on swimming skills, CPR, first aid, AED, and emergency oxygen administration.

Looking after a pool during summer time can be a stressful job, so you need to find candidates that are willing to take their job to the next level, assuring you they will be ready for any inconvenience or accident happening during their shift.

Happy lifeguards will remain loyal. So make sure when hiring them you provide the right conditions for them to really enjoy the job.